Welcome to 100 days of code

I have created demo projects on HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

About 100DaysofCode

100DaysofCode is a challange popular among developers. The essence of this is to improve quality of written code and create a portfolio. My 100DaysofCode challenge is divided into 3 aspects.


This describes my journey in javascript and the things I was learning at the moment.

Mini Projects

The Mini-projects are projects focused on hands-on experience with features that are seen on web application, a great example of this is the reCaptcha.



These are handly little codes that can be useful in demo and live projects.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live”

John Woods

Sound Board

Generate sounds on click

Pokemon Cards

A list of popular pokemon cards

Password Generator

An app useful for generating passwords

My Projects

Have a sneak peak into my projects. These mini-projects include digital clock, password generator and more.

Ways To Contact Me

Reach out to me for hire, collaboration or clarity on the applicaton I have built.





Olajide Blessing Niniola
